Thoracoscopy is a procedure a doctor uses to look at the space inside the chest (outside of the lungs). This is done with a thoracoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a light and a small video camera on the end. The tube is put in through a small cut made near the lower end of the shoulder blade between the ribs.
You have a suspicious area in your chest that needs to be checked
Thoracoscopy can be used to look at an abnormal area seen on an imaging test (such as a chest x-ray or CT scan). It also can be used to take biopsy samples of lymph nodes, abnormal lung tissue, the chest wall, or the lining of the lung (pleura). It is commonly used for people with mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Our clinic provides precision based lung care and Intensive care medicine decisions and health support.
Comprising Pulmononary Consultation
(Chest disease related opinion)
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy
(Olympus fibre optic bronchoscope)
Skin Prick Allergy Testing
Allergy can be concurred. Understand the nature of allergy and control it.
Pulmonary Function Test
In pulmonary function test: to understand your lungs in depth
Rehabilitation Management
(Journey from cure to well-being)